Intracellular transport and secretion of fibroin in the posterior silk gland of the silkworm Bombyx mori

Intracellular transport and secretion of fibroin in the posterior silk gland cells of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were investigated in relation to the radial microtubule and circular microtubule-microfilament systems of the cells. The silk glands were pulse-labelled for 3 min with [3H]glycine in vitro and then chased in media containing excess cold glycine and in some cases antimitotic reagents (colchicine or vinblastine) or cytochalasin (B or D), and the flow of the label in the glands was investigated by radioautography. It was revealed that the label initially located over the rough endoplasmic reticulum subsequently moves to the Golgi bodies to be condensed there. The secretory granules of fibroin or fibroin globules thus formed are transported via the radial microtubule system to the apical cytoplasm to be secreted there under some regulation by the circular microtubule-microfilament system. In the presence of colchicine or vinblastine, the secretion of fibroin was suppressed and marked accumulation of fibroin globules in the Golgi regions was observed, while in the presence of cytochalasin B or D the secretion was accelerated and extensive invagination of the luminal surface, which was probably due to the serial exocytosis of fibroin globules, was observed. These results suggest that the radial microtubule system and the circular microtubule-microfilament system are responsible for intracellular transport of fibroin globules from Golgi bodies to the apical cytoplasm and secretion by exocytosis at the luminal surface, respectively.