Immunocytochemical localization of cathepsins B, H, L, and T4 in follicular cells of rat thyroid gland.

To localize cathepsins B, H, and L in follicular cells of rat thyroid gland, we applied immunocytochemistry to the thyroid tissue using their respective monospecific antibodies. On serial semi-thin sections, cathepsins B, H, and L were localized in granules of various sizes located throughout the cytoplasm, whereas T4 was detected in larger granules located in the apical and supranuclear regions. By electron microscopy, cathepsins B, H, and L were localized in large less-dense granules (so-called colloid droplets) and in dense bodies of various sizes, whereas T4 was localized more intensely in large less-dense granules than in smaller dense bodies. By double immunostaining using an immunogold method, cathepsins H and B or L were co-localized in the same cytoplasmic granules. Moreover, immunoblotting demonstrated that proteins similar to cathepsins B, H, and L in the liver are present in the thyroid gland. These results suggest that cathepsins B, H, and L participate not only in degradation of thyroglobulin but in maturation of thyroid hormones, although it remains unknown whether all of them participate in the maturation process.