The osteology is described of Bathysphyraenops simplex, and its close relationship is demonstrated with genera Howella and Pseudohowella. These three genera should be classified into separate family Howellidae characterized by the specific structure of the bones of the infraorbital series, the absence of the hyomandibular process of metapterygoideum, and the reduction of the anterior plate of hyomandibulare, the absence of contact of pterygiophores of the 1st and 2nd dorsal fins, presence in front of the second dorsal fin of a free pterygiophore having no distal element, 16 caudal vertebrae, the characteristic structure of scales, and some other characters. The osteological distinctions of Bathysphyraemops simplex from Howella sherborni found for the first time are small and the author believes that some of them may make a case of interspecies variation within these genera. The revised diagnosis of the family Howellidae is presented. The status of the fossil genera Synagropoides and Cottopsis is discussed. They may become representatives of this family.