Accurate and rapid detection of heterozygous carriers of a deletion by combined polymerase chain reaction and high-performance liquid chromatography.

We have developed a technique to detect accurately heterozygous carriers of a deletion. Specific target sequences were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the products subsequently were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Examples from four loci demonstrated that 24-27 cycles of amplification for a single-copy DNA, based on 50 ng of genomic DNA, results in excellent quantitation that readily permits the detection of heterozygous carriers of a deletion. We have demonstrated that triplex PCR (three targets in a single PCR) entails no loss of precision. We also have demonstrated that this method can accurately differentiate the heterozygous carriers of a deletion from normal individuals in four family studies, three for Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients and one for a hemophilia B patient.