The relationship between an unstable argG gene and a 5.7-kilobase (kb) amplifiable DNA sequence in Streptomyces lividans 66 was investigated. Spontaneous, high-frequency Arg mutants deleted for this gene typically contain 200 to 300 copies of the tandemly reiterated sequence. A library of S. lividans 66 (strain 1326) wild-type genomic DNA was prepared in the vector lambda Charon 35. Chromosome walking over 44 kb established that argG is located 25 kb distant from a duplicated amplifiable DNA structure. A sequence was characterized, located farther distal from the amplifiable structure, containing strong homology with an internal sequence of the amplifiable DNA, which may have a role in the deletion of argG. Genetic mapping showed that argG and the 5.7-kb amplifiable sequence are linked to another unstable gene, determining chloramphenicol resistance (Camr) and that together these genes may be located in a silent chromosomal arc.