In a former paper on the subject of leukoplakia of the urinary organs, I 1 reported a case of leukoplakia of the bladder and lower end of the ureter. At that time, a careful review of the literature was made and a brief summary was given of the histories of forty-four cases that I was able to find in the literature at my command, making a total of forty-five cases. During the past year, two publications have appeared in which two new cases were reported, one by Richey2 of Pittsburgh and one by Marion3 of Paris. Richey's case occurred in the kidney pelvis; and, in Marion's case, the bladder was the seat of this unusual change. Marion's case also showed the presence of epitheliomatous degeneration. Several years ago, Pollack4 reported a case of leukoplakia of the kidney and one of the bladder which were not included in