Die gaschromatographische Bestimmung von freien flüchtigen Fettsäuren (C2 — C6) im Sickerwasser von Hausmülldeponien

After extensive experiments aimed at determining the free volatile fatty acids (C2 to C6) in organically highly polluted percolation water of household refuse dumping places there proved optimum a column packed with 10% Carbowax 20 M on Chromatron N‐AW‐DMCS after having been conditioned for five days at 270°C and subsequently covered with 10% hard wax. On short retention times the investigated isomeric column pairs are completely separated. Equally favourable results were obtained also for liquid manure and silage extracts. The detection limits lie between 10 and 20 mg/l, the relative standard deviation is 20 … 30% in the range of the lower detection limit and 2 … 3% at 200 mg/l in the upper range. In the investigation of percolation waters with concentrations between 235 and 4300 mg/l reproducibility lies at a mean relative standard deviation of 0.5 … 2.8%. The technique is well suited for routine checking.