In a thorough search of the literature, Moore1 found but sixty-two recorded cases of cartilaginous tumors of the larynx. He was able to find only two specimens of this type in all the museums and hospitals of London. Additional evidence of the rarity of laryngeal chondromas is contained in Grossman's article and in Crawford's communication. Grossman2 reported that only two cases were observed in Hajek's Clinic during the past seven years. B. L. Crawford,3 Director of Laboratories, Jefferson Medical College Hospital, stated that he has observed only three specimens of cartilaginous tumors in a large number of laryngeal neoplasms4 which have been sent to the laboratory during the past eleven years. The following additional cases of chondromas of the larynx have been reported in the literature since 1925.1 These, with the case reported by me, bring the total number of reported cases to sixty-nine.