Severe Hidradenitis Suppurativa Treated With Infliximab Infusion

A 17-year-old male patient with a 3-year history of hidrad- enitis suppurativa presented to our dermatology clinic for more effective treatment. Areas of involvement included the medial aspect of the thighs, scrotum, buttocks, and in- framammary folds. His axillae were spared. He also had a pilonidal cyst and nodulocystic acne. A diagnosis of hi- dradenitis suppurativa was rendered. The patient's symp- toms included groin and perineal pain, serous and puru- lent discharge, and malodor. His primary care physician had been treating him with prednisone (5 mg twice a day) for more than 2 years and cephalexin (500 mg twice a day) for 2 weeks. He also had ulcerative colitis, which had been

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