Twenty-Five Years of HTLV Type II Follow-up with a Possible Case of Tropical Spastic Paraparesis in the Kayapo, a Brazilian Indian Tribe

A longitudinal study, spanning 25 years and great demographic and cultural change, found a persistently high prevalence of human T-lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) in the Xikrin Kayapo Indians of Brazil. More than 10% of the children continue to develop immune reactions to the virus in infancy, a sharp increase in seroprevalence occurs between ages 15 and 30 years, and prevalence in older women still approaches 100%. This suggests that the major modes of transmission (breast milk and sexual activity) have not changed. The demonstration of stable maintenance of HTLV-II in one ethnic group makes migration theories of its dispersal more plausible. However, the infection may not be a negligible burden on population survival: at least 1 of 62 persons followed until age 40 years died of possible tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP).