Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection of Phenol and NADH for Enzyme Immunoassay

Enzyme immunoassays based on chromatographic separation and amperometric detection of an enzyme generated product have been investigated. These assays combine the selectivity of the antigen/antibody reaction with the high sensitivity of thin layer amperometry. The feasibility of utilizing LCEC as a detection scheme was demonstrated using the Syva EMIT® kit for phenytoin. NADH production by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was monitored following a homogeneous procedure. Heterogeneous assays were developed for alkaline phosphatase labeled species which were based upon LCEC determination of phenol. Assays were designed for a common serum glycoprotein (orosomucoid) and a clinically important drug (digoxin). Detection limits approach the pg/mL level and as such may prove fruitful in the quantitation of numerous antigens of clinical interest.