The fine structure of the dorsal bristle complex and pellicle of non-developing Euplotes eurystomus is described in detail by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The bristle-pit unit is a highly differentiated complex of organelles. The bristle complex is composed of a pair of kinetosomes (basal bodies) joined by a connective. The anterior kinetosome bears the bristle cilium, which contains a polarized network of particles (“lasiosomes”). The posterior kinetosome bears a very short, knob-like “condylocilium,” and has an associated striated fiber. Accessory ribbons of microtubules are also associated with the kinetosome couplets. Parasomal sacs, a septum connecting the bristle cilium to the anterior wall of the pit, core granules of the kinetosomes, and large membranous ampules are described. The organization of the bristle complex bears many similarities to the somatic ciliature of other ciliates. The pellicle of Euplotes is composed of a continucus outer cell membrane subtended by membranous alveoli, which contain a “fibrous mat.” Two sheets of subpellicular microtubules (longitudinal and transverse) are located just beneath the alveoli. The “epiplasm” seen in some other ciliates is apparently absent in Euplotes. The texture of the cell surface is a pattern of folds or rugae composed of the outer cell membrane and the upper membrane of the alveolus. The pattern of rugae probably defines the “silverline-system” of light microscopy.