Risk Mechanisms in Hypertensive Heart Disease

In this report, some of the underlying pathophysiological alterations associated with the independent risk from hypertensive heart disease and left ventricular hypertrophy are discussed. Emphasized are the classically described coronary hemodynamic alterations of decreased coronary blood flow and flow reserve with increased coronary vascular resistance and minimal coronary resistance; more recent concepts of endothelial dysfunction are emphasized. Additionally, increased collagen deposition within the ventricular walls and perivascularly participates importantly. These changes are exacerbated by the aging process and perhaps by increased dietary salt intake. Consequences of these functional and structural changes include further endothelial dysfunction, impairment of coronary hemodynamics, and ventricular contractile function (diastolic as well as systolic). The clinical consequences of these alterations are angina pectoris (with or without atherosclerosis), myocardial infarction, cardiac failure, lethal dysrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death. Thus, not all that is clinically recognized as "left ventricular hypertrophy" is true myocytic hypertrophy with structural remodeling; other important comorbid changes occur that directly affect risk, including ventricular fibrosis, impaired coronary hemodynamics, and endothelial dysfunction.