The binding energy of a hydrogen atom to the surface of liquid 4He has been calculated to be at least 0.6K by Mantz and Edwards. This means that the properties of adsorbed spin-polarized hydrogen (H↑), a 2D Bose fluid, may soon be observed experimentally. Since 4He is used as a neutral coating for vessels to contain H↑ gas, adsorption onto the 4He surface may enhance the rate of recombination into H2 molecules. For given temperature and density in the gas, the amount of H↑ adsorbed depends strongly on the H↑-H↑ interaction on the 4He surface. We estimate the interaction in a simple approximation, and find that it limits the surface density to not more than 1014 cm-2. Nevertheless this density should be sufficient for a 2D superfluid transition to be observed, under conditions close to those achieved experimentally