Alfvén-Wave Propagation in Solid-Stae Plasmas. III. Quantum Oscillations of the Fermi Surface of Bismuth

We have measured the quantum oscillations of Alfvén-wave densities in pure bismuth. To fit the experimental results, we use a four-energy-band model, corresponding to three equivalent nonparabolic ellipsoidal electron Fermi surfaces and one nonparabolic ellipsoidal hole Fermi surface. This enables us to evaluate the number of carrier masses, the two energy gaps, the Fermi energy, and the overlap energy. These experiments yield a value for the energy gap EG2 of 250±50 meV. The value of the overlap energy is increased over the previously reported value of 36.0 meV. We find a value of 38.2±0.15 meV necessary. The other numerical parameters used are taken from previous values with some refinement. They are n=(2.92±0.05)×1017 cm3, m1=0.00651, m2=1.362, m3=0.0297, m4=±0.1635, M1=0.0644, M3=0.696, EF=26.6±0.18 meV, and EG1=15.0 meV. In addition, estimates are made for the lattice dielectric constant for several orientations.

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