The herring swimbladder: loss and gain of gas

The herring is a physostome with no gas secretion mechanism in the swimbladder. The swimbladder volume was measured in fish from about 3–33 cm in length. It was rarely large enough to give the fish neutral buoyancy at the sea surface. Swimbladder volumes were also measured after periods of up to 1 week at pressures from 1·9 to 5·5 ATA (0·9–4·5atm above atmospheric pressure) in a laboratory pressure vessel and in a sub-surface cage in the sea. The swimbladder gas was lost within a few hours in the larval herring and in a few days in smaller juvenile fish; no change was found in older fish under experimental conditions. The findings were in accord with measurements of the guanine content of the swimbladder wall which was low in those fish which lost gas quickly. This supports the view that gas diffusion is limited by guanine crystals. While it seems likely that larger fish can exist for several weeks without the need to replenish the swimbladder gas some large spawning herring were caught at sea with empty swimbladders, suggesting a long stay near the sea bed. Analysis of swimbladder gas showed that oxygen tended to diffuse out more quickly than nitrogen. Behaviour experiments showed that fish with artificially emptied swimbladders could refill them by swallowing air at the surface, in some cases very quickly and efficiently. Fish with empty swimbladders and no access to the surface suffered a high mortality. The ecological implications of these results and their relevance to the interpretation of sonar ‘target strength’ measurements are discussed.

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