Levels inMn53,Co58,Zn63, andGa70from the (p,n) Reaction

Energy levels in Mn53, Co58, Zn63, and Ga70 were located by means of the (p,n) reaction. Neutron spectra were measured with approximately 10-keV energy resolution by the time-of-flight method with flight paths of 7.9 and 9.2 m. Several sets of close-lying levels were resolved, and many new levels were found in Mn53 up to an excitation energy of 4 MeV. In Co58, a total of 36 levels were observed in the first 2.5 MeV of excitation, and in Zn63, a total of 11 levels up to 1.5-MeV excitation energy. In Ga70, 66 levels were observed in the first 2.7 MeV of excitation energy; 16 new levels were found in the region between 2.26 and 2.73 MeV.