The influence of a weak harmonic uniform electric field, switched on adiabatically, on a nonrelativistic hydrogenlike atom is examined. Each of the φ- and A-gauge first-order corrections to the wave function of a stationary state ‖N〉 is determined by a vector function that we denote vN and wN, respectively. The absolute starting point of our calculations is Schwinger’s formula for the Coulomb Green’s function in momentum space. In the case of a bound state with definite angular momentum, we report a compact integral representation and also an explicit expression of the φ-gauge vector vnlm, which are analogous to those of the corresponding A-gauge vector wnlm studied previously. We have derived compact analytic expressions of the linear-response vectors vnξnηm and wnξnηm associated to an arbitrary Stark state. These are written first as contour integrals, and then explicitly in terms of a new generalized hypergeometric function with five variables, φH2, which is a finite sum of Humbert functions φ1. We have calculated the static limit of the regular part of the vector vnξnηm. Also discussed are the Sturmian-function expansions of the linear-response vectors for angular momentum states.