Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Very Pure SolidoD2

Orthodeuterium of unprecedented purity pD2 concentration c1=1.7×104 has been produced, with spin-lattice relaxation time T1D(D2)0.5 h at T=4.2 K and H=0.7 T. This suffices for retention of high spin polarization built up at millikelvin temperatures and use at 1-4 K as a highly spin-polarized D2 solid. T1D(D2) from 1 to 10 K and 0.01 to 0.70 T are compared with T1H(HD) and T1D(HD), allowing tests of current relaxation theories. Measurement of the pD2oD2 homogeneous conversion rate in D2 at 4.2 K for 104<c1<103 is found to be substantially in agreement with a previous determination for 0.20<c1<0.90.