Stains for A, B, and D Cells in Fetal Rat Islets

Ten techniques often used for identification of A, B, and D cells in adult islets of Langerhans were applied to fetal rat pancreas. Modifications were tried with many of these techniques. Two indole methods (xanthydrol and postocoupled benxylidene reactions) and a cryostat technique using o-phthaladehyde failed to stain fetal islets. Phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin and lead hematoxylin lightly stained fetal A cell granules in Helly's fixed tissue. The Grimelius silver nitrate technique stains adult rat A cells but failed to stain fetal cells. A modification of this technique stained fetal A cells and a possible 4th cell type. The specificity of this method was confirmed by restaining stained cells with a fluorescent antibody technique and with pseudoisocyanin. B cells, as previously reported, were readily stained by the aldehyde fuchsin technique. Fetal D cells were not stained by the Hellerstrom-Hellman alcoholic silver nitrate method, nor did they display pseudoisocyanin metachromasia after acid hydrolysis; they did fluoresce brightly with this technique when viewed with UV light. It was thus possible to distinguish the three usual cell types, plus a possible fourth type, in the fetal rat pancreas.