Integrating virtual and augmented realities in an outdoor application

This paper explores interconnecting outdoor AR systems with a VR system to achieve collaboration in both domains simultaneously. We envisage multiple mobile users of wearable AR systems interacting with a stationary VR facility via a wireless network. An application in simulated combat training is described, where the AR users are soldiers with wearable computers, and the VR system is located at a command and control centre. For soldiers, AR provides enhanced information about the battlefield environment, which may include the positions and attributes of simulated entities for the purpose of training outdoors at low cost. At the same time a complete picture of the battlefield, including real and simulated troops and vehicles, is available via the VR system. As soldiers move about, their GPS and digital compass hardware provide the remote VR user and other AR users with the means to track their position in real-time. We describe a working system based on our modular Tinmith-II wearable computer, which interacts with a combat simulator to create a synthetic battle environment for safe training and monitoring.

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