Stroke causes greater loss of quality-adjusted life years than any other disease and is also one of the most expensive disorders. The burden of stroke will increase in the future due to change in the age structure of populations. We have a vast body of evidence on how to prevent stroke and how to treat stroke patients. Good examples are treatment of hypertension, antithrombotic agents and carotid surgery in stroke prevention, thrombolysis in ischaemic stroke and stroke unit care for all stroke patients. We only have to translate scientific evidence into daily practice. If some pieces are missing, it is our duty to generate them through research. While taking part in randomized clinical trials (RCTs), the discipline, an essential part of RCTs, will improve the daily care of all stroke patients. Besides RCTs there are many other sources of scientific evidence for stroke management, one of which is the European Stroke Initiative (EUSI). The mission of the EUSI is to improve and optimize stroke management in Europe through education and by offering best practice guidelines. Also national and international societies and organizations play an important role in providing education. The human factor is one obstacle to more successful stroke management because to be more effective we must change our own clinical routine. We can make a difference by applying available evidence to our daily practice.