Venereal Diseases Campaign in Chile Organization and Results

Coutts et al, state that in Chile PAM (procaine benzylpenicillin) became available in 1948 for treatment of all patients with primary or secondary syphilis in a dosage of 3,000,000 units. Contacts and patients with darkfield negative genital lesions receive the identical treatment. Two injections of aqueous crystalline penicillin are given for gonorrhea since results with PAM were unsatisfactory. No penicillin-resistant gonococci have been found. All of the venereal diseases have shown a most satisfactory decline since 1947, but non-gonococcal urethritis and vaginitis have rapidly increased in incidence, and at present represent nearly 45% of those with genital discharges. Tri-chromonas vaginalis is the most commonly found pathogen. Antibiotics administered for causes other than venereal diseases are thought to be a factor in this decline, since in a large group of non-venereal patients over 60% had been treated for a non-venereal cause with some antibiotic, principally penicillin.

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