Intrinsic bends and integration host factor binding at F plasmid oriT

F plasmid oriT DNA extending from the F kilobase coordinate 66.7 (base pair [bp] 1 on the oriT sequence map) rightward to bp 527 was analyzed for intrinsic bends (by permutation assays) and for binding of integration host factor (IHF) (by gel retardation and DNase footprinting). Intrinsic bending of the 527-bp fragment (bend center approximately at bp 240) was represented as a composite of at least two components located near bp 170 and near bp 260. IHF bound primarily to a site extending from bp 165 to 195 and with lower affinity to a site extending from bp 287 to 319. The intrinsic curvature and sequences to which IHF binds (IHF is known to bend DNA) may play a structural role in oriT function.