Silica-Enhanced Sorbents for Dry Injection Removal of SO2from Flue Gas

Novel silica-enhanced lime sorbents were tested in a bench-scale sand-bed reactor for their potential for SO2 removal from flue gas. Reactor conditions were 64°C (147°F), relative humidity of 60 percent [corresponding to an approach to saturation temperature of 10°C (18°F)], and inlet SO2 concentration of 500 or 1000 ppm. The sorbents were prepared by pressure hydration of CaO or Ca(OH)2 with siliceous materials at 100°C (101 kPa) [212°F (14.7 psi)] to 230°C (2793 kPa) [446°F (405 psi)] for 15 min to 4 h. Pressure hydration fostered the formation of a sorbent reactive with SO2 from fly ash and Ca(OH)2 in a much shorter time than did atmospheric hydration. The conversion of Ca(OH)2 in the sand-bed reactor increased with the increasing weight ratio of fly ash to lime and correlated well with B.E.T. surface area, increasing with increasing surface area. The optimum temperature range for the pressure-hydration of fly ash with Ca(OH)2 was between 110 and 160°C (230 and 320 °F). The pressure hydration of diatomaceous earth with CaO did not offer significant reactivity advantages over atmospheric hydration; however, the rate of enhancement of Ca(OH)2 conversions was much faster with pressure hydration. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and x-ray diffraction studies showed solids of different morphology with different fly ash/lime ratios and changing conditions of pressure hydration.

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