A polysaccharide isolated from the cells of T. joetus by the Fuller formamide method gave no specific precipitate when tested with the sera of normal cattle, of cattle injd. with living trichomonads or of cattle injd. with formalinized cells. A protein fraction isolated by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation of the cell filtrate (after a few of the cells had been broken up by freezing and thawing) gave a specific precipitate with the serum from a cow injd. with living trichomonads and with the serum from an animal injd. with formalinized trichomonads, but only when large amts. of antigen were used. Of 3 other fractions obtained from the formamide extraction, 2 gave slight reactions with sera from injd. animals. Injn. of the fractions did not result in skin reactions in any of the cattle tested. The results do not give any hope of developing a serological or skin test for diagnosis of trichomoniasis in cattle.

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