Enzymhistochemie der Atrioventrikularklappen bei Endokardiose des Hundes

Enzyme histochemical studies were performed on normal atrioventricular heart valves and valves with different stages of endocardiosis in the dog. The enzymes studied wereß-glucuronidase, N-acetyl-ß-glucoseaminidase, AMPase, ATPase and glucose-ß-phosphate dehydrogenase. Increased enzymatic activity was seen in cases of endocardiosis in auricular endothelial cells, in subendothelial so-called reactive cells (smooth muscle cells, macrophages, fibroblasts) and in fibroblasts of proliferation areas of the valve. The significance of an increased catabolic and anabolic metabolism in the pathogenesis of canine endocardiosis and the possible relationship to arteriosclerosis are discussed.

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