Primary Cutaneous Fungal Infections in Solid Organ Transplantation: A Case Series

Cutaneous fungal infections in solid‐organ transplant patients present in a variety of nonspecific ways, requiring a high index of suspicion to diagnose correctly. In the present series of four transplant recipients, subsequent primary cutaneous fungal infections presented as papules, plaques, ulcers and subcutaneous nodules. Transplantations included one cardiac, two renal and one renal–pancreatic transplant. Fungal infections were limited to the skin; there was no evidence of disseminated disease in any case. The pathogens isolated were Scedosporium apiospermum (Pseudallescheria boydii), Alternaria species, Aspergillus fumigatus, and a coelomycete in the Coniothyrium‐Microsphaeropsis complex of dark molds. Individuals were successfully treated with surgical debridement, antifungal agents, and reduction of immunosuppressive therapy. All patients and allografts survived. Accurate diagnosis, aggressive surgery and appropriate antifungal therapy, combined with close outpatient follow‐up, optimize the likelihood of a cure in a transplant population.