Applications of multiple imputation in medical studies: from AIDS to NHANES

Rubin's multiple imputation is a three-step method for handling complex missing data, or more generally, incomplete-data problems, which arise frequently in medical studies. At the first step, m (> 1) completed-data sets are created by imputing the unobserved data m times using m independent draws from an imputation model, which is constructed to reasonably approximate the true distributional relationship between the unobserved data and the available information, and thus reduce potentially very serious nonresponse bias due to systematic difference between the observed data and the unobserved ones. At the second step, m complete-data analyses are performed by treating each completed-data set as a real complete-data set, and thus standard complete-data procedures and software can be utilized directly. At the third step, the results from the m complete-data analyses are combined in a simple, appropriate way to obtain the so-called repeated-imputation inference, which properly takes into account the uncertainty in the imputed values. This paper reviews three applications of Rubin's method that are directly relevant for medical studies. The first is about estimating the reporting delay in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) surveillance systems for the purpose of estimating survival time after AIDS diagnosis. The second focuses on the issue of missing data and noncompliance in randomized experiments, where a school choice experiment is used as an illustration. The third looks at handling nonresponse in United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES). The emphasis of our review is on the building of imputation models (i.e. the first step), which is the most fundamental aspect of the method.