The heat capacity at constant volume Cν and the pressure coefficient (PT)ν were measured near the superfluid transition on six isochores. This work also yielded new results for the derivatives (VT)λ and (ST)λ along the λ line (V is the molar volume and S the entropy). An essentially complete and detailed description of the thermodynamics of the superfluid transition at all pressures is provided by the data. In particular, the results were used to derive the heat capacity at constant pressure Cp, the compressibility κ, the thermal expansion coefficient α, the ratio γCpCν, and the isentropic sound velocity u, along isobars. The heat capacity Cp was examined carefully for its asymptotic behavior near Tλ. Although several interpretations of the data are possible with different assumptions about singular correction terms, it is clear that the exponents α and α are near zero, and that the ratio AA of the amplitude above Tλ to the amplitude below Tλ is greater than unity and pressure dependent. The results are compared with the predictions of scaling and universality. The assumption of a pure-power-law singularity in Cp results in αα at some pressures, and thus yields disagreement with scaling. The inclusion of singular higher-order contributions to Cp in the analysis increases the uncertainty in the exponents derived from the data, and the prediction α=α of scaling falls within these larger uncertainties. The amplitude ratio remains greater than unity, and thus only nonzero exponents are consistent with scaling. The pressure dependence of AA is not removed by the type of correction terms considered in the analysis, and is contrary to universality. When recent calculations for the exponent of the correction terms are assumed valid, then only a negative leading exponent is permitted by the data. This implies a finite Cp at Tλ. If α=α<0, then the data permit a continuous