Identification of the 664 proline to leucine mutation in the low density lipoprotein receptor in four unrelated patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia in the UK

Mutations in the gene for the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor cause Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH). One such mutation, a cytosine to thymine change in the codon for amino acid 664, causes proline (CCG) to be replaced by leucine (CTG) at this position, and creates a Pst I site in exon 14 of the gene. This mutation, previously identified in an FH homozygote of Asian Indian origin, results in a receptor with a reduced binding affinity for LDL and in delayed processing of the precursor form of the protein in cultured cells. A total of 224 unrelated heterozygous and 4 homozygous FH patients from London was screened for this mutation using direct amplification of genomic DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction digestion of the PCR product. Four patients were identified who were heterozygous for this mutation and the C to T base change was confirmed by sequencing. Affected relatives of these patients were also found to have the mutation. The effect of the mutation on LDL‐receptor function in lymphoblastoid cell lines obtained from two of these patients was similar to that observed in heterozygous relatives of the original proband (MM). Eight polymorphisms of the LDL receptor gene were used to determine the haplotype of the defective allele carried by the patients and the individual (MM) in whom the mutation was first discovered. Two different haplotypes were found, suggesting that the mutation, which occurs at a CpG ‘hotspot’, has arisen independently at least twice. The presence of the same single base change in the LDL‐receptor gene in several unrelated patients has not previously been reported in a population which is not geographically or culturally isolated.

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