Serum Phosphatases and Alloxan Diabetes

Alloxan diabetes was produced in o rats by subcut. injn. of 16 mg. of alloxan for each 100 g. of wt. Of 61 animals, 6% were unaffected, 10% recovered from a hyperglycemia, and 20% died within 3 days. The other 64% survived and exhibited hyperglycemia, glycosuria, lipemia, and ketonuria. Polyuria and polydipsia were marked and there was progressive wt. loss. Blood specimens were estimated periodically for glucose, serum inorganic P, and acid and alkaline phosphatases. The normal mean values in fasted animals were: blood sugar, 117 mg./100 ml.; serum inorganic P, 9.0 mg./ 100 ml.; serum acid phosphatase, 3.2 units/100 ml.; and serum alkaline phosphatase, 113 units/100 ml. There was a progressive rise in blood sugar. It exceeded 400 mg. % after 2 days and remained at that level. The acid phosphatase fell quickly to 25% of the initial level and returned to normal in 3 days. Alkaline phosphatase showed a similar decline which was restored within 12 hrs. and then rose for the next 2 wks., when values over 3 times the normal were reached. Serum inorganic P was not greatly altered. A subcut. injn. of 0.4 units of crystalline zinc insulin restored the blood sugar to normal in 3 hrs., and there was a 30% decline in acid and alkaline phosphatases. After 24 hrs. all values were restored to the diabetic levels. To observe the effect of insulin longer, 3 doses of 0.4 units were injected at 3-hr. intervals. Blood specimens obtained 90 mins. after the 3d injn. showed hypo-glycemia, reduction of acid phosphatase to 25% of normal, and reduction of the alkaline enzyme to normal limits. Serum in-organic P was reduced. The results indicate that the development of alloxan diabetes in rats is accompanied by an increase in serum alkaline phosphatase activity and that insulin produces a decrease in the activity of both the acid and alkaline enzymes. No great increase in serum inorganic P followed admn. of alloxan. After admn. of insulin in the alloxan-diabetic animal, reduction in the level of inorganic P was demonstrated.

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