HadronicJψproduction calculated in the NRQCD factorization formalism

The NRQCD factorization formalism of Bodwin, Braaten, and Lepage prescribes how to write quarkonium production rates as a sum of products of short-distance coefficients times nonperturbative long-distance NRQCD matrix elements. We present a calculation of the inclusive cross section for hadronic ψ production within the framework of the factorization formalism. Our method applies to the case in which the helicity of the ψ is not measured. In addition to the well-known color-singlet production mechanisms, there are equally important mechanisms in which the cc¯ pair that forms the Jψ is initially produced in a color-octet state, in either a S13, S01, P03, or P23 angular-momentum configuration. In our presentation, we faithfully follow the "matching" procedure, thereby shedding light on the NRQCD factorization formalism. We determine the short-distance coefficients appearing in the factorization formula, and we point out how one may systematically include relativistic corrections in these calculations.

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