Frequent measurement of chronic pain: an electronic diary and empirical findings

O studies suggesting that PIPER pain ratings have good reliability, and good validity assessed against the VAS. In a third study, the PIPER was found practical for use by elderly subjects, and for periods of more than 2 months. In addition, PIPER pain ratings taken 4 times per day were found to have different properties than 4 other measures of chronic pain, suggesting that very frequent measures should be taken if a full understanding of chronic pain is to be obtained. ∗Corresponding author: Dr. Geoff Cumming, School of Psychology, La Trobe University, Bundoora 3083, Australia. E-mail: 1Tel:. (613) 479-2820; FAX: (613) 479-2443 (Received 30 March 1994; accepted 8 July 1994.) © Lippincott-Raven Publishers....