Chronic megakaryocytic-granulocytic myelosis ? An electron microscopic study

The fine structure of the bone marrow in chronic megakaryocytic-granulocytic myelosis (CMGM) was studied in 5 nontreated patients to investigate possible malignant proliferation of megakaryocytes and the role of megakaryopoiesis in fibrillogenesis, terminating in osteomyelofibrosis. In comparison with normal megakaryopoiesis there is an enormous increase of the megakaryocytic cell line and many immature and atypical forms are seen. Most conspicuous are microforms, nuclear-cytoplasmic disorganization and nuclear inclusions. Asynchrony of maturation causes abnormal thrombocytogenesis with premature detachment of platelets resulting in immature and peculiar giant forms of thrombocytes. Besides megakaryocytes appearing superficially normal the maturation anarchy of many cells is so severe that by analogy with observations in other leukaemic cells these abnormalities are thought to be representative of a malignant growth. Moreover, there is a striking accumulation of microfibrils and single collagen fibres around megakaryoblasts. Since these cells contain all those organelles commonly associated with fibre production the initial step for fibrillogenesis may therefore arise from the megakaryoblasts prior to platelet release, or any fibroblast proliferation.