New pneumatical experiments about respiration. - Those experiments, made by that indefatigable benefactour to philosophy, the Honourable Robert Boyle. in order to bring some more light to the doctrine of respiration, as well as to minister occasion to inquisitive naturalists to make farther researches into the same, were by their noble author communicated to the publisher of these papers; who esteem'd it more convenient to make them a part of these tracts (they taking up the room but of a few sheets)

New pneumatical experiments about respiration. - Those experiments, made by that indefatigable benefactour to philosophy, the Honourable Robert Boyle. in order to bring some more light to the doctrine of respiration, as well as to minister occasion to inquisitive naturalists to make farther researches into the same, were by their noble author communicated to the publisher of these papers; who esteem'd it more convenient to make them a part of these tracts (they taking up the room but of a few sheets) than to publish them any other way. The I. Title. Observations made about the lasting of Ducks included in the Exhausted Receiver . Nature having, as Zoologists teach us, furnished Ducks and other water-Fowl with a peculiar structure or some vessels about the heart, to enable them, when they have occasion to Dive, to forbear for a pretty while respiring under water without prejudice;