Nutritional studies on East African herbivores

1. A series of nitrogen-balance trials was done using groups of four animals of various species of wild and domesticated ruminants using pelleted diets (Arman & Hopcraft, 1975)2. Various herbivores were given grass or grass hays, legumes, herbs and shrubs. Food and faecal samples were analysed for N3. With the pelleted diets, the N content of the faecal dry matter (DM) was low for eland (Taurotragus oryx Pallas), high for sheep and cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus) and intermediate for the three small antelope species (hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus cokei Günther), Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii Günther) and duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia L.)). With the natural fodders, similar relationships were found, together with variations associated with the type of diet4. Three forms of equation were used to express the relationship between faecal N and food N. One of the forms, the linear regression of g faecal N/kg DM intake v. g food N/kg DM intake, fitted the results less well than did the other two and was not used to estimate metabolic faecal N (MFN) losses5. MFN was calculated by extrapolation of linear regressions of g faecal N/kg faecal DM v. g N intake/kg faecal DM for the pelleted diets. The range of values was (g N/kg faecal DM): Friesians 7·6, eland 8·1, zebu cattle 11·0 and small antelope and sheep 11·5–12·6. There were significant differences (P < 0·001) between species in slopes and intercepts6. MFN was calculated from linear regressions of g faecal N/kg faecal DM v. g food N/kg food DM for all diets. This method gave the best fit for the pelleted diets. Values for these diets were (g N/kg faecal DM): eland 8·3, cattle and sheep 9·3–11·0 and small antelope 11·6–12·3. Species differences were significant (P < 0·001). With grasses, values ranged from 5·9 for non-ruminants (rabbit (domesticated), warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus Pallas) and hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius L.)) plus eland and wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus Burchell), to 8·4 for the other ruminants (sheep, goat, hartebeest, gazelle, duiker, buffalo (Syncerus caffer Sparrman)), kob (Adenota kob thomasi Sclater), reedbuck (Redunca redunca Pallas) and topi (Damaliscus korrigum Ogilby). For ruminants (sheep, hartebeest, duiker and kob), excluding eland, given legumes the value was 8·6, and for sheep and duiker given herbs the value was 14·7. With shrubs, faecal-N losses were variable and sometimes high7. With the pelleted diets, true digestibilities of crude protein (N×6·25) varied from 0·84 to 0·918. The results are discussed in relation to the digestive physiology and feeding habits of the various species, and there is an examination of the feasibility of using linear regressions of crude protein in the diet v. N in the faecal DM for evaluating the quality of the diets selected by free-ranging East African herbivores.

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