Mapping Chicken Genes Using Preferential Amplification of Specific Alleles

To map the chicken genome, an international reference population was developed at our laboratory (East Lansing, MI) using an F2 backcross between inbred jungle fowl (JF) and inbred white leghorns (WL). To augment the number of type I genes on the East Lansing (E) map, segregation of the JF-specific allele was followed using preferential amplification of specific alleles (PASA) in polymerase chain reactions (PCR). Among 15 functional genes that were added to the E map, agrin and mannose-6-phosphate receptor genes were found to occur in conserved syntenic groups. Using this PCR-based approach, six conserved groups spanning more than 243 centimorgans (cM) in the chicken were syntenic with human and mouse.