Stand tables from forest inventories representing more than 22 × 106 ha of forests in tropical Asia were used to estimate aboveground biomass (point and 99% confidence interval). The mean inventory-based biomass for moist forests (225 Mg/ha) was lower than that reported by direct measurements for mature forests in the same region (350 Mg/ha), whereas the mean inventory-based biomass for dry forests (82 Mg/ha) was higher than estimates based on direct measurements (55 Mg/ha). Our analyses demonstrated that human use of the forests in tropical Asia is intense, leading to degradation. Between two national forest inventories of Peninsular Malaysia in 1972 and 1981, the total area and biomass of forests declined by 18 and 28%, respectively. Modeling land-use changes and carbon dynamics of tropical Asian forests must take into consideration human impact on vegetation because such use of forests reduces their biomass and may stimulate forest growth and carbon uptake.