Single crystals of Cd1xMnxTe for 0.17x0.70 display a cusp in the susceptibility. Films of Cd0.5 Mn0.5Te were deposited by sputtering at temperatures ranging from 77 to 1100 K. Films deposited at 300 K and above consist of a mixture of cubic and hexagonal phases. Such films are characterized by a susceptibility cusp at 25 K which is higher than the corresponding single-crystal value (15 K) although the values of the susceptibility at 4.2 K are very close (4.2×105 emu/g). The most striking result is observed on films deposited at 77 K. These latter films are amorphous semiconductors with an enhanced susceptibility at 4.2 K (as high as 3×104 emu/g) and there is no susceptibility cusp above 4.2 K. The interesting conclusion is that crystallinity is essential to the presence of the susceptibility peak, which is consistent with a recent suggestion that Cd1xMnxTe is not a canonical spin-glass and is better described by cluster freezing.