Studies on 9α-Fluoroprednisolone Acetate, A New Synthetic Corticosteroid for the Treatment of Bovine Ketosis

Using the degree of elevation of blood glucose as a means of comparison in the normal dairy cow, it was found that 10 mg 9[alpha]-fluoroprednisolone acetate (F [DELTA] FAc) would produce the same response that required 100 mg prednisolone. Blood glucose was maintained at elevated levels for 7 days by using repeated doses of F[DELTA] FAc without causing untoward effects. High doses of F[DELTA] FAc, 100 mg, were given safely on consecutive days producing elevated blood glucose which persisted for 6 to 7 days. At the high dose levels, depression of serum K occurred which lasted through the experimental period. However, no clinical signs of K deficiency were manifested in the cows. Using sodium propionate orally (1/4 pound twice a day) concurrently with intramuscular F[DELTA]FAc (20 mg) caused some transient clinical signs of depressed serum K. Consequently, caution should be exercised if the 2 therapies are to be used concurrently.