A Golgi study of the hypothalamus of Actinopterygii

Summary The preoptic area of a primitive actinopterygian, the polypteriform, Calamoichthys calabaricus Smithi, and of the teleost, Anguilla anguilla L., have been studied by Golgi and other neurohistological and histochemical methods. In the preoptic area two regions can be recognized: a cell rich median region and a lateral one, composed mostly of fiber systems. After Golgi staining a varied population of neurons is seen, including: (1) magnocellular neurons, endowed with a number of dendrites and an axon emerging from the main dendritic shaft; (2) lophodendritic tufted or pyriform neurons of variable morphology (often of the midget type); (3) cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons; (4) bipolar and horizontal neurons. Of relevant interest is also the observation of commissural neurons, of a distinct precommissural nucleus, and of bipolar neurons, the axons of which course toward the ventral hypopallium.