Spin-echo proton NMR studies of differential mobility in gizzard myosin and its subfragments

The unexpectedly narrow resonances in the 1H NMR spectra of gizzard myosin, heavy meromyosin, subfragment 1 were examined by spin-echo NMR spectroscopy. These resonances originated predominantly in the myosin heads, or subfragment 1 units. Smooth muscle myosin undergoes a dramatic change in hydrodynamic properties and can exist either as a folded (10S) or as an extended (6S) species. Factors that influence this transition, namely, ionic strength and phosphorylation (or thiophosphorylation), were varied in the NMR experiments. T2 relaxation experiments on dephosphorylated myosin indicated several components of different relaxation times that were not influenced by changes in ionic strength. Our experiments focused on the components with long relaxation times, i.e., corresponding to nuclei with more mobility, and these were observed selectively in a spin-echo experiment. With dephosphorylated myosin and HMM, increases in ionic strength caused an increased intensity in several of the narrower resonances. The ionic strength dependence of these changes paralleled that for the 10S to 6S transition. With thiophosphorylated myosin and HMM, changes in ionic strength also influenced the intensities of the narrower resonances, and in addition changes in the 1H NMR spectrum due to thiophosphorylation were observed. The narrow resonance seen with myosin and HMM were observed with S1, but the spin-echo spectra of S1 were not influenced either by changes in ionic strength or by phosphorylation. These results suggest that a fraction of the 1H resonances in smooth muscle myosin and its fragments originates from both aliphatic and aromatic residues of increased mobility compared to the mobility expected from hydrodynamic properties of these proteins. In general, the intensities of these residues increase with increasing ionic strengh, and this is consistent with an increase in the percentage of mobile residues during the 10S to 6S transition. Segmental flexibiity appeared also to be influenced by phosphorylation within the 6S conformation. These changes were not detected in the isolated myosin heads and thus required a higher order of structure, either the subfragment 2 region or the interaction of myosin heads.