Influence of prior straining on superplastic behaviour of an Fe–Cr–Ni alloy

The superplastic behaviour of a microduplex Fe–Cr–Ni (25·7Cr–6·6Ni) alloy was investigated in the as-worked, annealed, and prestrained conditions. In the early stages of deformation, flow stress depends significantly on strain, and also on the instantaneous microstructural state in the case of as-worked and annealed specimens. Under these conditions, the empirical parameters of the constitutive equation for superplastic deformation were found to depend systematically on strain. At 1000°C, strain hardening predominates, and this could be accounted for by grain growth and by the hardening produced by the noticeable dislocation activity. After suitable prestraining, steady-state deformation conditions may be attained; this may facilitate the collection of σ–ε data, which could then be used to assess the relative importance of the appropriate deformation mechanisms. MST/125