HRP study of the central components of the trigeminal nerve in the larval sea lamprey: Organization and homology of the primary medullary and spinal nucleus of the trigeminus

The medullary and spinal connections of the trigeminal nerve of larval sea lampreys Petromyzon marinus were studied by anterograde and retrograde HRP transport after application into the orbit. Three components were found, all of them ipsilateral: (1) The motor nucleus was undivided in the larva, and its neurons possessed a rich dendritic tree. The single motor root was well separated from the sensory root. (2) The descending root was laterally located, and its fibers ran compactly to spinal levels. (3) Most medullary and many rostral spinal dorsal cells were labeled. Dorsal cells, which were mostly multipolar, had numerous mutual contacts. Some dorsal cell processes contacted the fourth ventricle. The name “primary medullary and spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve” (PMSV) is proposed for these dorsal cells. Medullary dorsal cells were not labeled by applying HRP at the level of spinal nerves, but application to the vagus nerve did label some. The possible relationship of this nucleus with the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of jawed vertebrates is discussed.