The analysis of the spark spectrum of gadolinium (Gd II)

The analysis of wavelength data of the Gd II spectrum has resulted in the detection of 108 odd and 70 even levels in addition to those reported by previous investigators. The total number of classified lines is now 2 200, belonging to 2 300 transitions between 162 odd and 150 even levels. The wavelength list, including the Gd I lines, contains over 18 500 lines in the wavelength region 2 468-8 752 Å. The Zeeman effect has been investigated in the wavelength region 2 700-11400 A. Of about 900 lines belonging to Gd II transitions the splitting has been observed. The g-values of all levels could be determined. The odd terms belong to the electron configurations 4 f7 5 d 6 s, 4 f7 6 s2, 4f7 5 d2 and the newly established 4 f8 6 p ; the even terms have been associated with the configurations 4 f8 6 s and 4 f8 5 d (see 4 f8 6 p), 4 f 7 6 s 6 p and 4 f7 5 d 6 p. Calculations have been carried out in the 4 f8(7F) 6 s, 5 d and 6 p subconfigurations. The values of the electrostatic and spin-orbit interaction parameters give a good least-squares fit to the experimental levels