Intrauterine Intestinal Obstruction due to Fetal Midgut Volvulus: A Report of Two Cases

Fetal midgut volvulus is quite rare, and few surviving infants--particularly cases with meconium peritonitis--have been reported in the literature. We report two cases of intrauterine intestinal obstruction due to fetal midgut volvulus associated with intestinal malrotation. In both cases, the infant survived after cesarean section delivery and appropriate surgical intervention, and they both continue to be in good overall condition. We discuss the prenatal signs and outcome of in utero intestinal volvulus. Close prenatal follow-up and appropriate timing of delivery in cases where ultrasound examination shows signs of fetal intestinal obstruction, as well as optimal postnatal treatment, are essential to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with fetal midgut volvulus.