Sequential peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation after mobilization with salvage chemotherapy and G‐CSF in patients with resistant lymphoma

We enrolled 18 patients affected by refractory or relapsed lymphoma (HD, NHL) in a two‐step protocol that included salvage chemotherapy with mitoxantrone, carboplatinum, methylprednisolone, and cytosine arabinoside (MICMA) plus G‐CSF (5 μg/kg/day), peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) collection, and subsequent transplantation after BUCY2 regimen. After MiCMA chemotherapy, four patients (22%) achieved complete response, eight patients (44%) obtained a partial response, and six showed progression of disease (PD). Fourteen out of 18 patients (78%) were considered eligible for PBPC transplantation. Three patients with complete response refused PBPCT; they are currently in continuous complete remission (CCR) at 15, 13, and 15 months, respectively. One patient has been recently transplanted but is too early to be evaluated. Ten patients so far completed the study, eight of whom are currently alive in CR, with a median follow‐up of 7.5 months (range 2–13). Hematologic reconstitution was very rapid with a median time to achieve WBC > 1 × 109/L, PMN > 0.5 × 109/L, platelets > 50 × 109 /L and > 100 × 109/L of 13 (range 9–15), 12(range 9–14), 10(range 0–22), and 14 (range 5–49) days, respectively. Our protocol is highly effective as a salvage treatment, while permitting PBPC collection after G‐CSF administration. Hemopoietic reconstitution after transplantation of PBPCs collected with this procedure is complete, rapid, and sustained.