Copyright @ American Institute of PhysicsA 10‐GHz superconducting niobium re‐entrant cavity parametric transducer was developed for use in a cryogenic 1.5‐tonne Nb resonant bar gravitational radiation antenna. The transducer has a very high electrical Q (6×105 at 4.2 K), and was operated at high cavity fields without degrading the Q. A very high electromechanical coupling between the antenna and the transducer was therefore achieved. The highest coupling attained, constrained by the available pump power, was 0.11. If the transducer were to be operated in conjunction with a wideband impedance matching element, an antenna bandwidth comparable to the frequency of the antenna would be attained. The temperature dependence of the Q of the transducer was in good agreement with theory. At temperatures above about 6 K the Q was degraded by the increase in the BCS surface resistance, while at lower temperatures the Q was limited by radiative losses