Six species of ruminal bacteria were surveyed for the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphorylation of glucose. Selenomonas ruminantium HD4, Streptococcus bovis JB1, and Megasphaera elsdenii B159 all showed significant activity, but Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens 49, Bacteroides succinogenes S85, and Bacteroides ruminicola B1(4) showed low rates of PEP-dependent phosphorylation and much higher rates in the presence of ATP. S. ruminantium HD4, S. bovis JB1, and M. elsdenii B159 also used PEP to phosphorylate the nonmetabolizable glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG). Rates of 2-DG phosphorylation with ATP were negligible for S. bovis JB1 and M. elsdenii B159, but toluene-treated cells of S. ruminantium HD4 phosphorylated 2-DG in the presence of ATP as well as PEP. Cell-free extracts of S. ruminantium HD4 used ATP but not PEP to phosphorylate glucose and 2-DG. Since PEP could serve as a phosphoryl donor in toluene-treated cells but not in cell-free extracts, there was evidence for membrane and hence phosphotransferase system involvement in the PEP-dependent activity. The ATP-dependent phosphorylating enzymes from S. ruminantium HD4 and S. bovis JB1 had molecular weights of approximately 48,000 and were not inhibited by glucose 6-phosphate. Based on these criteria, they were glucokinases rather than hexokinases. The S. ruminantium HD4 glucokinase was competitively inhibited by 2-DG and mannose, sugars that differ from glucose in the C-2 position. Since 2-DG was a competitive inhibitor of glucose, the same enzyme probably phosphorylates both sugars. The S. bovis JB1 glucokinase was not inhibited by either 2-DG or mannose and had a higher Km and Vmax for glucose.